Workplace!! A Mid-shift full of (side) Kicks!

While working midnight shifts can be exhausting, dead of the night boring and often times a real challenge to fake out the circadian clock, we have a terrific group of people who use humor, laughter and comradery to keep our time together interesting! On the nights when the bewitching hours are upon us (3am-5am) we use many innovative ways to keep everyone engaged and at the ready for the next 911 call. Our team may spend hours working a structure fire, walking a caller through CPR or giving instructions for bleeding control, dispatching rescue teams, well – you know, doing the work~ but during the down times we play trivia, tell jokes, tell stories, plan shift dinners, discuss the latest binge-worthy show to watch and share our lives with each other. The challenges of working the midnight shift are many, having a great team of people to work with is priceless!