Who’s Your Sidekick or Super Team?

Most superheroes don’t have to go it alone. Some have a sidekick. Batman and Robin. The Lone Ranger and Tonto. Snoopy and Woodstock. Or maybe they are part of a super team like the Fantastic Four, Avengers or Ninja Turtles.
Fortunately, most public safety telecommunicators don’t have to go it alone either, and this year for NPSTW, we want to know who is your sidekick or on your super team.
Is there someone who always has your back on the tough calls? Or maybe someone who can make you laugh on the longest days? Do you have a Radar O’Reilly type who always knows what’s coming and what you need before you do?
Or maybe your shift works like magic to save lives and protect first responders. Does your team go out of their way to support each other when someone is going through a tough time?
The partner to your hero could even be a friend or family member outside the ECC who can help you decompress and enjoy that side of your life.
Sidekicks and super teams are the, well, meat and potatoes of a job like yours that requires fast thinking, deep knowledge and calm compassion. Let us know who it is you’d scale walls with and you might win $100 to treat your center (and your loyal sidekick).
A few rules.
• There will be two $100 prizes, one for smaller (1-35 employees) and one for larger (over 35 employees) ECCs.
• Sending a photo adds one “like” to your score.
• Be creative, but please don’t attach copyrighted materials as we will not be able to post them.
Submit your entries below and vote for your favorites by liking them at npstw.org/superteams. The deadline for both is 9 a.m. on April 16.
- One “like”, per person, per post.
- You may like as many posts as you wish.
- You do not have to log in to like a post.
- Anyone can vote – you don’t have to be an APCO member or in public safety communications.
- Voting begins February 9, 2023, and ends April 16, 2023, at 9 a.m. ET
- In the event of a tie, the winner will be selected by coin toss.
- All decisions are final.