Week-Long Plan to Acknowledge Amazing 911 Call Takers and Dispatchers

In honor of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, the City of Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC) is implementing a week-long plan to acknowledge our amazing 911 call takers and dispatchers. The plan includes creating various graphics to post on social media throughout the week; working with CPD and CFD to encourage visits to their respective zones and posting acknowledgements on Facebook and Twitter; and two videos – one to show how important, yet often stressful, the jobs of call takers and dispatchers are – https://youtu.be/4Npvz5csbmA – and the other video from CPD and CFD thanking our staff.
On Thursday, April 18th, OEMC will host its yearly awards ceremony to highlight staff, particularly 9-1-1 Ops staff, that goes above and beyond the call of duty to provide service to residents/callers and first responders. As part of this year’s ceremony, OEMC will highlight the 9-1-1 staff who handled the Mercy Hospital active shooter incident in which four people were killed, including CPD Officer Samuel Jimenez, before the gunman took his own life.