We all need a little sunshine and positivity in our lives…

My sidekick happens to be a fellow supervisor and my best friend at work and outside of work. Jennifer Sycks is always there for me when I need her 24/7 365, rain or shine. She’s like the post office (rain/sleet/snow – can’t keep her away), therapist, cheerleader, personal party planner, organization expert, and life coach all rolled into one. I can vent to her when I need a sounding board and vice versa, I can share my personal trials with her and get sound advice both professionally and personally no matter the situation. She accepts everyone for who they are and never judges them. She greets everyone with a smile and a warm hello when they arrive for work each day and goes out of her way to make you feel special and appreciated.
She’s never let me down, she’s a woman on a mission when I ask her to help with a task – there’s just no stopping her. She was freshly promoted as a supervisor a couple years ago and when I asked for a co-leader for our ECRC training program; she never hesitated and asked how she could help. I think everyone could use a Jenn Sycks in their lives. She’s friendly, selfless, hardworking, self-sacrificing, patient, funny, deeply empathetic and motivated. What’s not to like? I was blessed to be her call taker trainer when she started, and I had the opportunity to get to know her early on and we’ve been like two peas in a pod ever since.
She’s sacrificed days off to come in and cover a shift simply because she didn’t want someone else to be forced in to cover an unwanted shift. Things haven’t always been easy for her either, not everyone appreciates a positive and friendly partner unfortunately. But she lets their negativity slide right by and she remains true to who she is. I wouldn’t pick anyone else to be my ride or die partner both at work or outside of work and I’m so grateful that she joined this crazy career field which brought her into my life. Everyone needs a little sunshine in their life and Jenn Sycks is mine, sprinkling positivity on everything as she goes.