The Spark Plugs!

Hello from Oklahoma! My name is Kayla and pictured beside me with her big ol grin is my sidekick Deb! We are as goofy as they come but take our job very seriously , we are the spark plugs of our center, there is never a dull moment when we are together! We come from a teeny tiny center located in the heart of Walters Oklahoma! Our town motto is “Small Town Big heart” this stands true with our center as well. Our center just Opened November of 2021 and we have been rockin and rollin ever since!
I’m a firm believer that things happen for a reason and that this is what im meant to do , but we didn’t come here to talk just about me did we.. Though our center is small, we are mighty! We strive each and every day to provide our small county with the very best service possible. We currently have 3 fulltime dispatchers and one in training. Most of the time unless we are training, we have one dispatcher on shift at a time. Like many we are understaffed and the stress is easy to come by, not just the job , but missing those precious moments with your kids, family, birthdays and ballgames , rotating days to nights and visa versa, sleep deprived, blah blah blah you seasoned dispatchers know the routine.
Through all of this there is one person who has gotten me through it all since she started is Debbie aka Debbie Cakes! We first met at our sons baseball practice and I somehow convinced her to be my sidekick, we have been two peas in a pod ever since! She has been my ride or die, if I cant make it to a school function for my kids she sends me pictures or videos. If I need someone to fill in for a shift she is the first to volunteer. She is selfless, a quick learner and a great leader, she steps up to the plate and has helped me with things on multiple occasions. Training her was a breeze and the best time, from mopping karaoke to midnight scares , we would laugh for hours and still do . Though she’s not a morning person and prefers nights, she has still filled in days shifts when I needed her to ! She’s as hard working and dedicated as can be, I honestly couldn’t ask for a better partner and friend she’s not only my sidekick but my hero as well!
Together we are the spark plugs whos personalities and positive attitudes keep the center energized and moving without each other I’m not sure where we would be! So vote for us Spark Plugs , we could use a little recharge ourselfs! If you’ve made it this far , thank you for your time and I enjoyed reading so many of your stories, we’re all winners in my book!! May you all have a blessed week and stay safe out there!!
-Sparkplugs out!