The Magnificent Seven

Our job is definitely not easy and can be extremely stressful, but knowing I have the BEST team behind me makes working shift so much easier. If anyone had told me 18 years ago that this would be my career, I would have laughed at them. Sitting here today looking back on it all, I wouldn’t change a thing; I know I am exactly where I am meant to be. Through the years getting moved from shift to shift and working with so many different people it’s my current shift “The Magnificent Seven” that I truly am grateful & thankful for. Each member of my shift is more than a coworker, they are friends, my sidekicks & most importantly my family. Knowing we are all here for one another through the good times and the bad helps us all get through the most difficult of times & enjoy the memorable moments. Sharing so much of our work and personal life with each other creates a bond that is unbreakable. I believe I have the BEST team ever & would be honored to give them a surprise like this.
“The Magnificent Seven” The BEST of the best