The Dynamic Duo

I have worked in the Communications division for 25+ years. I can say there are many that I work with that have my back during the good and bad times that we face on a daily basis. So to pick my side kicks, my people that I know will always have my back at work and out of work are my Dynamic Duo Elisa Marquez and Lina Ramirez.
First, let me tell you about Elisa Marquez, 21 years on the job. Always comes to work with a positive attitude even when going through things herself. (just beat Breast Cancer) She is bilingual, in English and Spanish. A proud mother of 2 amazing girls, making news in the Mexican Culture, 1 for female boxer and the 2nd daughter for being involved in politics making a voice for many Mexican females and now working as a teacher, helping our young generation. Both positive role models. I can say they get that from their mother. Elisa has a great sense of humor, in this line of work it is much needed. I can always count on her for a laugh. When ever we are partners in our little POD area I know I can rely on her for anything, as she is a true TEAM PLAYER.
Now, let me tell you about Lina Ramirez, also on the job for 20+ years. Bilingual in English and Spanish. I have actually known Lina longer, as we attended the same grade school St. Anthony’s since 4th grade. We lost connection during High School years, then one year she shows up to the Communications Division as a new hire. Our friendship renewed like no time ever passed.
These ladies are amazing, not just on the job but out of the job. We have become family. We take care of citizens going through the worst moments of their lives and hear the worst. Some days being a 911 Operator/ Police Telecommunicator can be very emotional, mentally, and physically draining.
Everyone goes through a traumatic event in their lifetime, some others have multiple traumatic events that are out of their control. Well, that person is me. In 2016 to 2021, life dealt me the following traumas: my father diagnosed with Lung Cancer, surgery removed right lung, beat Cancer with Chemo to only be taken by Covid in 2020. Two months later my husband’s father also taken by Covid. My husband diagnosed with Heart Failure in 2016 just few weeks after My Father’s Cancer diagnosis. currently in stage 2. My mother stage 4 Liver disease, immune system attacking Liver. Since I am a caretaker for so many in my life, I don’t always take care of myself the way I should. I do not have much biological family in my life for support.
My Dynamic Duo, my side kicks, have my back at work and home. They check in on me. They have provided love and support, always an ear to lend if I just need to vent or talk. They have given cards of inspiration, even help with raised monetary donations when out of work to help during financial struggles during leave of absence. Even the little gestures, like leaving chocolates on my workstation (because we know chocolate makes everything better!) I am truly proud to work side by side with them. They are not just coworkers, they are family.