Teamwork makes the DREAM Work!

Although I may be a little biased bc I work here, my Comm Center is at least top ten “Secret Lair” material. First and foremost, we have an amazing Director (our Professor X if you will) – that started on the floor and worked his way up. He supports us in so many different avenues – that it truly gives us the confidence we need to continue to be an Accredited Agency. This support is genuine as a result from his experience as both a call taker and dispatcher.
Our Manager (common day Shuri) is the glue to the glue – and also makes sure we are a well oiled ship with her years of knowledge and complete compassion – she was my CTO just a mere 10 years ago. We have involvement and deployments with FL TERT bc of her – so not only on a daily do we help our citizens, in the the thick of it – we happily go and assist our fellow brothers & sisters in dire situations.
Then we have our Power Rangers & X-Men rocking it on a daily basis, to even include our radio guys. From covering shifts for each other, calling 3rd party agencies for one another, picking up calls placed on hold for 911’s, lending a hand with training or studying for certifications and recertification’s, working up or working down, & extra projects this group of men and women are top of the line & selfless on a consistent basis.
We have had many major events that have run smoothly and that our staff has been commended for, due to how efficient and talented each one of them are.
Everyone brings a different strength to the table & I am completely honored to work beside them!!