Superstar Leader and Selfless Supervisor

My inspiration also happens to be the leader of pack here in Corsicana dispatch. Rachel Fuller is so much more than a supervisor. She is an encourager, an advocate, and an example of the dispatcher we all want to be when we grow up.
Rachel encourages all of us to advance our skills, pursue our passions, and take much needed time for ourselves. She shares resources, webinars, and training opportunities with all of us allowing us to sign up for those that interest us and develop our skills. She is selfless with her time; volunteering to cover weekends to ensure we get time off to pursue passions outside of dispatch, or just get some much-needed relaxation. You can always count on her to answer a text no matter how trivial the question may be, even when it is on her own time.
Rachel also cultivates a strong dispatch, often, using her own resources. She has donated several of her own books to our dispatch center for the purpose of increasing our overall well-being as well as some welcomed comical relief. She has recently purchased a program to develop updated SOP’s and improve our training program. She spends many hours dedicated to improving our work life balance and never complains that she herself may be spending too many hours at work. She is here day, night, and weekends to ensure that we have all that we need to do our jobs.
Even though she is the supervisor, Rachel logs many hours behind the radio. We can all testify that she is a superstar; balancing more tasks than we can even fathom. Once, she worked a structure fire while her partner was at lunch all on her own. She got all the units on the way while continuing to answer calls and handle PD traffic, never missing a beat. I continually learn from her and am honored to call her boss (even though she doesn’t like that word)!