SUPER SIDEKICKS of Alcorn County E911 Communications

Hello All,
My name is Kim McCreless and I am the Director of Emergency Communications in Alcorn County, MS. This is my 28th year with Alcorn County E911 Communications.
I want to take this opportunity to share my 911 Family with you all. They are an amazing group of people. They make coming to work feel like it’s not a job. They keep it Fun, Crazy and different every day. I can honestly say, I HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH THE BEST.
You probably won’t recognize these HEROES on the street. They don’t wear a badge or carry a gun. They don’t drive a fire truck, ambulance or patrol car. But they are among us. They work long shifts, holidays, birthdays and weekends. They miss a lot of Family get-togethers, school activities and some are at work when most of us are at home asleep in our cozy beds. Their pictures don’t usually make the paper and they rarely make the news at all. But the TRUE HEROES are not in it for the fame or the glory. They have hearts bigger than the universe, an unwavering need to help others and a strong commitment to the citizens they serve and to the first responders in which they work alongside.
Alcorn County E911 employees adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and morality. They are the Life-Line between callers in need of help and those who respond to give help.
I would want one of these caring souls to answer my call for help any day of the week.