Showering Them With Gifts

This year both myself and my Director are new to our positions and have come from the Dispatch floor. We decided to celebrate our Dispatchers and have been planning for National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week for months now. We have been updating our center with new paint, décor, new chairs, and have recently purchased new shirts and jackets for each Dispatcher.
We went to businesses in our area as well as composing a mass mailing telling them about our dispatchers and their very special week in April. Since then we have been receiving donations of free hotel stays, free nights at local campgrounds, free meals at local restaurants, theater tickets, gift certificates to several restaurants, and so many more wonderful gifts from the community to honor our dispatchers. We have our deputies and fire departments sending thank you cards, our head Detective does wood working and is making the center a plaque, our Sheriff is purchasing each dispatcher a T-shirt, we have pork burgers and sides that are being donated, myself, the Director, Sheriff, and Chief Deputy will be grilling for our dispatchers, a local pizza restaurant is providing a meal of Pizza, pop, and Bosco Sticks, for each shift sometime that week, and our local bakery is providing Amish doughnuts. We will be highlighting our dispatchers on our Sheriff Department Facebook page and educating the public on this profession. At this time, we are still receiving donations but we intend on surprising our dispatchers with showering them with gifts. It will be a very changed environment as these dispatchers have never had any recognition for the job they do. I cannot wait to be able to celebrate them!