Peach County E911 is my Super Team

Covid-19 had a dramatic impact on our E911 Center. Not only did we lose one of our Shift Supervisors to the disease but we began to hemorrhage employees. The stress and overtime became too much for many and the outside world with the option to work from home for similar pay too tempting for many to resist. We have spent the last few years rebuilding and the center has very limited old-timers. Through the best days and worst days, we have come together to keep things going (like so many E911 Centers) around the country.
Last year when I had to unfortunately go out on medical leave myself, the center came together and kept things flowing with many texting and calling to make sure I was okay. I have been back in service for a while we’re slowly inching our way back to fully staffed. I consider myself lucky to be part of this team and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We might have had rough days but we still all pitch in to make sure that we have a good time when it comes to the holidays. The attached photo is from Christmas 2022.