Fun with Appreciation
We celebrate NPSTW by having lots of fun. The Administration staff brings us awesome gifts and treats us everyday with lunch and even a cookout on the weekend, whether it be a barbeque or a …
The Power to listen “between the lines”
Much of what we do is skill, knowledge and experience, but a great portion is also intuition. Often our calls are not ‘black & white’ and it takes the use of our ‘Spidey Senses’ to …

Communication Superheroes Unite
When you have the unexpected come up, which is frequently, the best superpower is teamwork. At Classic Air Medical’s Comm Center, our team relies on each other’s strengths to get the job done and the …

Resilient Dedicated Hard Workers to the Extreme
To be honest with our current staffing shortage I wish my superpower was the ability to clone my current telecommunicators. They are some of the most resilient, dedicated, compassionate, hard working individuals and they are …

The Power of Incantation
Ten of my 25 years in the field of 9-1-1 have been in senior management which means I spent 15 years as a frontline hero behind the headset. Make no mistake, I AM still a …

Psychic Abilities
We at WestCOMM believe that our dispatchers are psychic. Dispatchers often have the ability to predict future events as we constantly need to be thinking multiple steps ahead. We predict influxes of wire and tree …

Dispatchers Unite !!!!
I think anyone who has ever dispatched would agree that having crazy super powers like being able to see the future, mind reading or even being able to be in two places at …

Dispatcher : The unseen Artist
Here in the dispatch center, countless days and hours are spent asking questions. Some would argue that it is our most frequent task. WHO,WHAT,WHERE,WHEN,WHY? Question after question… It’s a never ending stream of new and …

Fearless Warriors
I have the pleasure of working with some awesome and fearless dispathers. My job is to make sure that they are paid accurately and correctly. My superpower would be able to pay them the millions …

A Message from APCO’s President
You are a hero behind the headset. Regardless of your tenure in this industry, you’ve made a difference in someone’s life. Every time you look in the mirror, please reflect and remember that. Annually, during …

The Invisible Hand: Calm in the Storm
Nobody wishes to ever experience the traumatic experiences that are involved in a life-altering emergency. Never has there been someone to wake up, and hope to suffer through an emergency situation. Nevertheless, the world we …

The Voice On the Line
It takes a special strength and resilience to do what our emergency dispatchers do. Every day I see our operators take control of serious, sometimes life-threatening situations using just a telephone and a radio. They …

Our Superheroes work with what we have….
Our dispatchers have the superpower of being the informational hub and nucleus of our city. They are the calm in chaos, the trusted lifeline between our citizens and field personnel; they are efficient, brilliant and …

Amazingly Arid (aka: Super Dry)
Amazingly Arid is an essential Dispatcher super-power. It is used in a variety of ways: Bladder control is paramount when leaping tall buildings in a single bound…while working through a major incident without a potty …

Empathy: The Highest Form of Knowledge
“The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world.” -Plato Emergency telecommunicators handle calls for service ranging from barking dogs and noise complaints to …

The Ability to Ease People’s Minds
I think this is a superpower we already have; to help calm someone down when they’re having a stressful moment.

Actions Faster Than Words
So often, as Telecommunicators, we find that we’ve already completed half of our tasks before we’ve even been able to explain to the callers that help is on the way. We’ve entered our information into …

Focused Determination Even in the Face of Uncertainty and Chaos
What superpowers do public safety telecommunicators have? I can tell you Telecommunicators possess many hidden superpowers which include maintaining calm in the face of chaos, being able to multi-task while under great pressure of an …

ESP – Mind reading
Dispatchers are expected to anticipate every need of their officers (read their mind) . Just get someone here! (know where “here” is) As a supervisor, know exactly what call (out of 30 on your screen) …

Location Identification
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to know where people are without asking them? I’d say read their minds but not sure we’d want that power. To just automatically know as soon as you …

Every telecommuncator must have a megabrain. We have to be able to be quick-thinking, see into the future to anticipate the questions our first responders might have and be ready for anything to happen at …

Mind reading, astral projection and cloning
There are multiple superpowers that I think could be beneficial for a telecommunicator to have. One of the most simple and obvious ones being mind reading. There are often times where, as a telecommunicator, I …