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More Than Coworkers

I read a quote once that said, “Working together makes us co-workers, but spending so many hours together and sharing our good times and bad times with each other makes us friends, friends who stand …

BFF’s at Work & Beyond

Brian Lindquist & I have worked together for 15 years. We have provided support to one another throughout the years at work & as good friends outside of work as well.  This is the 1st …

My amazing partner Wendy Doran

Wendy Doran, she’s not just my sidekick but also my superhero. When Wendy and I are working together you can tell it’s already going to be a smooth ride. Why, you ask? Wendy and myself …

Communications Officer Michaella King

When I was introduced to Open fox functions, Michealla provided me a resource showing a few command formats. I am very appreciative to have someone recognize and freely share information to help with my development. …

The Holder

Where would we be without the foundational strength of The Holder?  Our main characters in dispatch receive an instant jolt and their dynamic forces return as a loaded carrier flies through the door.  Hot or …

Eric Lamb

Eric is always on  top of things and i can always go to him for questions that have a tough answer.

Superior Sidekick Sheavounda!

Sheavounda is a Lead Public Safety Dispatcher with over 20 years of Service to our agency.  She was one of my all time favorite trainers and I was able to work under her for years. …

Working through adversity….together

I work for the best team in the country.  Hands down this is a group of people that stand united for the betterment of the department, regardless of any internal squabble or personal agendas. The …

Awesome Sidekicks to the Superheroes

Our Center’s Director and Assistant Director has every employee in our center back 200%. They are the best. They make sure we are taken care of at all times with the best resources to do our …

Teamwork makes the DREAM Work!

Although I may be a little biased bc I work here, my Comm Center is at least top ten “Secret Lair” material. First and foremost, we have an amazing Director (our Professor X if you …

Midnight Shift Teamwork!

Early on the morning of 2/22/23, a call came in that none of us ever want to receive as a 9-1-1 family. An elderly male with dementia had been discovered missing from his home around …

Guardians of the Galaxy(AKA Northwest Burbs)

I have been dispatching for 15 years.  The majority of my time (14 years) was spent with one agency. In 2020 I made the decision to leave my position with the department and help my …

Spirit of the Calm

My super sidekick is Kristin! We got put on a team together where we found out we were soul sisters. We always make our shifts fun by dancing around, celebrating holidays, talking about our lives, …

Wonder Woman Supervisor

My supervisor is a superhero.  Cyndi Holbert is my supervisor, who always has my back, shoots straight, and is a rock star.  One time, she finished her shift as I was taking over, and she …

Rockstar Rob

My sidekick, Robin Olszewski, has always had my back and my team’s back. He is always willing to help out at any given time. Rob is a great employee and coworker that is dedicated both …

Always there to HELP

This is going to sound funny but I would like to nominate Amy McBryar.  Amy is a very dedicated employee with over 20 years of experience.  Amy is a Training C.T.O. training the next generation of 911 …

We are not just dispatch partners; we are family.

Let’s start at the beginning, my first day working at the center there were three trainees and two trainers.  I immediately gravitated towards, Amy.  I could tell this didn’t happen often because of her tough …

Work Husband/Wife

I have a really good friend that we went through the dispatch academy together seven years ago and have been friends ever since.  Jamarcus is one the most kind, funny, energetic, knowledgeable coworkers I have …

The Dynamic Duo

I have worked in the Communications division for 25+ years. I can say there are many that I work with that have my back during the good and bad times that we face on a …

My sidekick, Wonder Girl

I’m the Dispatch Supervisor for my agency.  My agency isn’t huge, but this particular person always has my back and there to listen to my problems.  As many may know, leadership isn’t easy and isn’t …