Always There to help Tyneeka Freeman
Tyneeka Freeman is one of many who is always there to lend a helping hand. From making notifications during the most chaotic scenes to jumping in and assisting with dispatching. Her kind and helpful spirit …
Tyneeka Freeman is one of many who is always there to lend a helping hand. From making notifications during the most chaotic scenes to jumping in and assisting with dispatching. Her kind and helpful spirit …
I have been the training coordinator for our communications center for about 1 1/2 years. During this time, I have learned about the courageous, outside-the-box thinkers and optimists we are lucky to have as part …
Brian Blick to the rescue. Brian is our center’s Quality Review and Improvement Manager and has been working for the department of safety for over 10 years. He is a wealth of knowledge. As a …
The Howard County Communications Center has one phenomenal super team! I am so lucky to have this amazing group of gals to spend my days with. Not only are they the most dedicated and hardworking …
My name is Brooke, I am an Officer on light duty in the Thornton Dispatch center. I have been blessed to work with some of the most amazing women who have not only supported me …
I have been in LE for over 25 years and have had very few Supervisors I can actually brag about. Until, Alisa Reich, who is my direct and the departments Director of Administration. Alisa is …
Covid-19 had a dramatic impact on our E911 Center. Not only did we lose one of our Shift Supervisors to the disease but we began to hemorrhage employees. The stress and overtime became too much …
I’d say the main one who always has our back is our manager Scottie and then my immediate supervisor Crystal. we as 1 shift out of 4 work amazing together and we all get along …
Blake Dodson is the CCPSCC’s Radio Administrator but he goes above and beyond helping the staff and field responders of Culpeper County. Blake is willing to assist in any task that he is able to, …
In 2022 our center dropped down to only having 12 Full-Time, 2 part-timers and 4 Suprvisors. Our manger was out for the majority of the year and left towards the end of 2022. Our staff …
Franklin County Emergency Services is a PSAP in Northern NY that borders Canada. We have an amazing super-hero team, like many of the other PSAPS across the globe. What makes ours special, is that all …
Hello from Oklahoma! My name is Kayla and pictured beside me with her big ol grin is my sidekick Deb! We are as goofy as they come but take our job very seriously , we …
Recently, I had the pleasure of going on the trip of a lifetime. I met a man on my trip who told me that when he was planning his trip, he had approached his wife …
Tiffany, Lil or Auntie Lil Tiff, we call her, has been with us since Sept 2017. In that time she has grown as a person, a dispatcher and most importantly, a best friend. She is …
Sitting in severe NE Montana, our PSAP is small. Think TINY. We have 1 director, 4 full time and 1 intermittent ECOs- and we serve a remote county the size of CT that has a …
Since the first day I was released on my radio and Theresa was behind me I have known she had my back. I had a chase that day that lasted over an hour and I …
Sydney is someone who strives to make an impact no matter how big or small the call is, she is not only a strong dispatcher but also a strong trainer for new dispatch trainees to …
In the frigid, northern portion of the United States, there is a super crew. Together, they save lives 24/7, ensuring the citizens of the State of Maine have someone to call when they need help. …
Hello to all of our fellow warriors out there!! We are coming at you from Auburn Alabama. In honor of National Telecommunicator’s Week, I am showing off my dispatch team 😊 My team consist of …
The Melbourne Police Department 911 center had been short staffed for months. With only 21 telecommunicators instead of the usual 32, everyone was feeling the strain. Day after day they would receive call after call …
As a trainer I had the opportunity to have Jessica Trudeau as my trainee. She is a single mom of 4 and was always at work when we needed her. She would come in early if …
My coworkers are true heroes. I only recently joined the public safety field and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. Every single person in our center is so hardworking and dedicated to this field. …
Have you ever had a friend or co-worker see something in you and they pushed you to greatness? It took several years for me to find that in my career, but I am so thankful …
One might compare this duo to the great duos of America’s past: Peanut Butter & Jelly, Macaroni and Cheese, or a fine aged wine and a lovely Brie. Mel Dawdy (Hal) and I (Carols) have …