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Telling Our Story

I didn’t plan to become a dispatcher. Like so many of my fellow brothers and sisters, I fell into the job as a back-up for the regular dispatcher when I was working as an EMT. …

We Matter, We Save Lives

Every morning people wake up to get their day started. Ready to conquer their work day. Ready to complete the work load they already know they have ahead. As a 9-1-1 dispatcher we get up …

Not Like Every Day

That day that starts like every day. 911 calls, non-emergency calls, dispatching units, running names and vehicles, entering, locating, clearing, repeat, just like every day. Until that call comes in that says that all available …

Why I Am a Public Safety Telecommunicator

My journey to be a public safety telecommunicator has been very different than most telecommunicators. I started as a police/fire dispatcher in northeast Indiana in the late 70s. There was no CAD, no 9-1-1, only …

A Day in the Life: My Story

My story is words. Words that alone are meaningless, but together, make up the very essence of my being. Words that changed me from the core, and have made me who I am. These words are …

An Unusual 911 Call

This happened while I was working as a dispatcher for the Washington County Sheriffs Office in Blair, Nebraska. One morning I received a 911 call from a 12-year-old who said she was taking a bubble …

It’s a BOY!

January 29th, 2015 started out in the dispatch center like any other day. We arrived at 0600 to start the shift, and settled in for the next 12 hours. At approximately 0830 Dispatcher Enloe answered …

Just When You Think You Have Heard It All

This year marks my 20th year in 9-1-1. I am a tenured dispatcher that still LOVES answering phones. For me, it is a reminder that no matter what is going on in my life, someone …

911 Dispatch – A Newbie’s Journey

This is a story of 18 weeks of 911 dispatcher training. My hope is to inspire more potential dispatchers, enlighten trainers and bring hope to those already into training. I will hit my 2 year …

Unexpected Negotiations

I started my career as a 911/police dispatcher in 1998 at the Salt Lake City Police Dept. I grew up listening to my mom’s scanner and felt extra covert special because I had learned the …

The Reason I’m a Public Safety Communicator

With my father being an EMT and firefighter and my mother a phone operator I knew I wanted a career where I too could make a difference and help others. I love the adrenalin rush …

Self Dispatched First Responder

On 04/21/97, I began my journey as a public servant with the Shreveport Fire Department. Our agency is the primary PSAP and the initial point of contact with the citizens of Caddo Parish. I had …

Switched Frequency Helps Officer in Trouble

I began my career as a 911 dispatcher just about six years ago. Four short months into my career I heard my first “plea” for an officer assist over the radio. It’s a moment I …

Who Does 911 Call When They Have A Problem?

As the person really behind (and under and inside) a console… I’m one of the people that 911 calls when they have a problem! Every call center has tons (literally TONS) of electronic equipment and …

A Chance

The first thing he said when I answered the phone was, “I just shot myself in the heart.” Given that he was still speaking, I figured he probably didn’t hit his heart, but the point …

Nothing Else

My name is Wesley Hutchens and I have worked with Forsyth County 911 since May 2000 when I was hired as 911 telecommunicator. In 2010 I was promoted to Shift Supervisor and in 2014 I …

GPS Saved a Life

Roughly six months ago I was working a radio when I was notified by a call taker that she received a 911 call from a gentleman pleading for help and said he was going to …

Grab a Shovel

I started with Bridgeton PD in September of 1978 as a police dispatcher. I had no previous experience dispatching and was pretty intimidated by the radio. The fourth midnight watch into my training, my trainer …

The Unsung Heroes

I began my career as a 911 telecommunicator in March 2012, after 4 years of working in emergency medical services. At the time I was looking to pursue a different career in public safety, when …

A Week of Events

We host a week of events. Mon-Fri we do “spirit week” and I pick a different theme for each day. We obtain lots of donations and we always host a food competition on Wednesday. This …

NPSTW Cook-off Competition

Our center is looking at doing a friendly cook-off competition with other local center.  We do not have a commercial kitchen and are forced to cook creatively with crock pots, microwaves and nuwave cooktops.  So …

My Opinion

I know the phrase “everybody has got one.” These are just my thoughts and not intended to offend anyone. Working in the field of public service, especially law enforcement and 9-1-1 is similar to serving …

Giving back

On the afternoon of 7/11/07 I was at work in Jacksonville, NC at a rehab facility for teen sex offenders when I got a call from a neighbor that I needed to come home. With …


Every year during the second week of April, the telecommunications personnel in the public safety community, are honored. This week-long event, initially set up in 1981 by Patricia Anderson of the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s …

Have Some Fun With Theme Days

Many agencies choose to celebrate NPSTW with dress themes for different days during the week. Here are some of their ideas from previous years: 

NPSTW 2015: Cajun Theme

Every year for National Telecommunication week we pick a theme and go all out with it. We decorate our break room, host a party, and dress according to out theme. This year was Cajun Theme. …