My Opinion
I know the phrase “everybody has got one.” These are just my thoughts and not intended to offend anyone. Working in the field of public service, especially law enforcement and 9-1-1 is similar to serving …
I know the phrase “everybody has got one.” These are just my thoughts and not intended to offend anyone. Working in the field of public service, especially law enforcement and 9-1-1 is similar to serving …
On the afternoon of 7/11/07 I was at work in Jacksonville, NC at a rehab facility for teen sex offenders when I got a call from a neighbor that I needed to come home. With …
Every year during the second week of April, the telecommunications personnel in the public safety community, are honored. This week-long event, initially set up in 1981 by Patricia Anderson of the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s …
Many agencies choose to celebrate NPSTW with dress themes for different days during the week. Here are some of their ideas from previous years:
Every year for National Telecommunication week we pick a theme and go all out with it. We decorate our break room, host a party, and dress according to out theme. This year was Cajun Theme. …
Union Township celebrated Telecommunications week by hosting an open house for our Communications Specialists (dispatchers) and their families. We felt it was not only important to recognize our dispatchers, but also an opportunity to show …
Sheriff Darnell punching out a shark! Communications Training Staff from left to right, Tommy Clifford, Kim Kutner, Danielle Brightmon, Carole Burchfield, Nicole Ferguson, Danika Lubold, Mable Parales, and of course, Sheriff Sadie Darnell.
Each year we take a group photo – we are a very small but tight knit group. As far as celebrating – we had a potluck and invited our families. We announced our Telecommunicator of …
Comm centers across the country take the opportunity during NPSTW to recognize outstanding employees. Some have banquets and bestow awards, while others take a more casual approach.
As a public safety telecommunicator, you’ve heard it all. Now we want the rest of the world to hear about you. For National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week 2017, we’re collecting your stories and sharing them …
So you want to celebrate public safety telecommunicators week, but you don’t have any designated funds? Here are some creative low/no cost ideas shared by your peers:
Dispatchers were presented proclamations from the State of Mass House of Representatives and the City of Gardner for National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week and honoring our dispatchers. It was a nice afternoon! Also the Chief, …
Each year, the second full week of April is dedicated to the men and women who serve as public safety telecommunicators. Although we know from history that the idea started in 1981 with Patricia Anderson of the …
In addition to offering an opportunity for celebration and recognition within your agencies, NPSTW is the perfect time to reach out to other PSAPs, the media and government agencies asking them to help honor telecommunicators and their …