Unseen Heroes of Seattle
Seattle 9-1-1 employees came to work daily, never knowing what they were walking into. Daily and nightly protests prevented safe access to the comm center, located at a downtown police station.
Seattle 9-1-1 employees came to work daily, never knowing what they were walking into. Daily and nightly protests prevented safe access to the comm center, located at a downtown police station.
Through this loss, the dispatchers continued to be there to answer the calls for help; even though they were suffering on the inside, the callers couldn’t tell.
The thing that makes her stick out is that she has empathy for us dispatchers. She can tell when we need a little boost or encouragement; she can sense if something is going on in our lives.
On April 1, 2021, Southeastern Arizona Communications (SEACOM) Dispatcher Rob Satterfield celebrated 30 years as a volunteer and part-time dispatcher.
Lori retired from the road as a VCEMS EMT with over 20 years of service. She took her experience, care, and compassion to the Volusia County phone lines.
Our staff has continued coming to work with their superhero capes on ensured the utmost safety of our community.
These tireless individuals serve our public daily with respect, pride and passion. They are a critical part of our First Responder Community
Ahe never wants the limelight or nor does she do it for the recognition. She does it for the love of the people she serves and for the love of the job.
Melody Jones is an exceptional woman, a respectable human being, one would say a “superhero” for the love she has developed for others as a servant in public safety.
The Superheroes of RW911 quickly answered the call of duty to ensure the safety and security of their neighboring city.
In Miami, there is a grocery store named ‘Fresco Y Mas’ – it means Fresh and More. Freya is the epitome of ‘and more’.
I’m fortunate to work alongside an entire crew of heroes including superb dispatchers but Kelly tops the cake.
These incredible men and women are devoted to the safety of their residents and inspire those around them with their unparalleled level of service.
McDowell County Native serves her community selflessly always giving a 100% to help others.
This year we are using a global theme to express our appreciation for the amazing work the team at Yolo 911 does! We plan for themed days with foods, contests, prizes and activities.
Despite the tremendous stress levels, added work and uncertainty surrounding COVID, the superheroes of Umatilla County NEVER wavered one step.
Dispatcher Salnajs took her training into action and started doing the heimlich on Dispatcher Flynn. Dispatcher Salnajs’s amazing efforts saved Dispatcher Flynn’s life.
With the first epicenter of COVID-19 right here in our backyards, our staff of dispatchers, supervisors and support personnel went into overdrive.
I could never begin to thank him enough for being exactly what I needed on one of the worst days of our family’s life.
During a day off, February 15, 2021, around 1900, PSC III Kraut utilized his training from DPSC and his EMT class to save someone’s life.
Chris is as reliable as they come and no one on our shift ever feels like they are alone as long as he is close by.
The best group of dispatchers on the East Coast! I’m proud to be part of such a dynamic team where everyone has something to bring to the table.
The way I saw them pull together to help each other during this unprecedented time is commendable.
My team has been put through some of the worst calls and situations I have ever witnessed, and they all came out the other side standing stronger together.
We are constantly leaning on each other for support and guidance and are faced with new problems to solve every day.