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Telepathic powers

Having the ability to have telepathic mind powers would allow a dispatcher to know exactly what is going on the person calling.  They would be able to get the entire story instead of the parts …

Hidden Ninja

Melbourne Police and Fire Dispatchers appear to be like any other citizen of Brevard County…. parent, sibling, dog owner and cat lover…  but once we step through the portals at 701 S Babcock, our Ninja …


I feel telecommunicators should have the compassion to be able to relate to any type of person whether they are scared, angry , or emotions just running high. I also thin empathy is very important …

What is zone 107?

In the perfect world, the dispatcher would have the best superpower known to man. The ability to know what zone 107 is when an alarm company calls, and will know where to send their units. …

Share Your Superpowers!

We’ve created some social media badges for you to use throughout NPSTW. Download the badges below to post to your personal or ECC social pages to spread the superhero fun!

A week of Fun/ Gifts and Food

This year we have a travel the world theme. We will be having snacks from each place. We will be doing small contests, like guess where I went on Vacation, Dispatch Word Scramble, best dress- …


The richest man on earth, Elon Musk, once said that the news is a report of the worst things that happened on planet earth today. Everyone, these days, is constantly bombarded by *bad* news–optimism is …

Teleporting Powers

“Instantaneous travel between two locations without crossing the intervening space.” Dispatchers basically have this power and use it on a daily basis. Whether it is a traffic stop or disturbance call, we use our knowledge …

Power Activation

As Telecommunicators, we possess the Activation superpower. This power allows us to activate various entities, agencies, and personnel to respond to calls for service. We can process information quickly and have the ability to sense …


What superpowers do public safety telecommunicators have?  If it qualifies as a ‘superpower’ a dispatcher sure has it! Multitasking (check- no explanation needed) Active listening (check- we hear what is loud, sometimes even paralyzing noises, …

The Enigma Centurions

Often, we are seen as clerical data entry receptionists. No, no, and no. Dispatchers are resilient beyond measure in any situation. We are given minimal education, training, and experience, since it is absolutely impossible to …

GO GO RED Center TC’s

T- Together, it really does take a village E- Every call, every person, every situation requires critical thinking L- Love for fellow mankind E- EMD, EFD, Q and CPR certified C- Courage to pick up …

Opelika’s Unseen Heroes

In the dark confines of the police department there lies a group of unseen superheroes. When their powers combine, they are the force known as Communications. They have nerves of steel and the ability to …

The Worlds Greatest Detectives

When we receive a call all senses, but hearing is taken away. We take the information without seeing what’s wrong, without knowing where it is, and who we are talking to. We must use only …

Infusion of NICE

Many of the telecommunicators I know come with the superpowers of acute listening, compassionate empathy, supersonic judgment, Superman and 911derwoman reactionary skills, and a forcefield built to deflect harsh criticisms, impatience, unkind words, hysteria, and …

Taskerific Listener

Having the ability to multi-task and listen is a superpower in itself and if you don’t possess either dispatching isn’t for you.

Super Squad – ASSEMBLE!!

Just like the Justice League, Avengers, X-men and Guardians of the Galaxy, Telecommunicators have multitudes of superpowers! We are each: The Marvels of Multi-tasking! The Captains of Calm! The Wonder Women of Wisdom! The Supermen …

TITC Thought insertion and telepathic connection

Thought Insertion and Telepathic Connection. I would be able to help them with their thoughts. Such as if it was a suicidal person, I change their thought process and make them feel better about their …

Something out of nothing

All 911 operators / communicators are magicians, we can listen to someone (callers/officers) talk and talk about 1, 5, or 10 different things or sometimes nothing at all and turn it into a call for …

A Telecommunicator’s Vision

Have you ever stopped to think, What it’s like to be blind? Only seeing the world around you, Through the images in your mind. With sight, we have been blessed, Our world we plainly see; …

Dispatchers One Invisibility Cloaks.

Telecommunications are adaptive, they can shapeshift into someone taking control, or be calm and help someone who is erratic. They are the invisible force, out of the corner of an eye, the ones with the …

Superhuman Speed

Telecommunicators are blessed with superhuman speed.  Within seconds, with very little information, they instinctively understand the situation, the needed response, and what the responders need to tackle the job.  They use their superhuman speed to …