Ope, scooch on over.. It’s St. Charles City PD!

St. Charles City Police Department Dispatch is the most super of super teams! Since being understaffed and over-worked, this team has dispatched for approximately 118 officers, jail staff, park rangers and animal control through the toughest of times. This team has created 117,485 calls for service, dispatched 168 shots fired calls, worked two officer involved shootings and had five officers struck on a traffic stop since January of 2022. One of our teammates was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and has been going through chemo treatments for the last several months. This team has stepped in and stepped up in support for her; volunteering to work her shifts and even attending a benefit in her honor off duty. With a staffing allowance of 15, they have been working with only 9 dispatchers due to the lack of applicants. This team has stuck together like glue through the toughest of times and deserves to be recognized. Members of this team have been nominated for three different team awards through the City of St. Charles in the last year for shots fired in an apartment complex resulting in a homicide, a pursuit involving FOUR seperate vehicles and a full-scale school shooting threats swatting incident.