My sidekick, Wonder Girl

I’m the Dispatch Supervisor for my agency. My agency isn’t huge, but this particular person always has my back and there to listen to my problems. As many may know, leadership isn’t easy and isn’t easy to find someone to confide in when things are tough. I’ve been called Wonder Woman for many years now due to my work ethic and constantly on the go.
Sandee Michelle Barnett is my sidekick, Wonder Girl. If I’m not at work for whatever reason, I can always count on her to make sure tasks are taken care of and done correctly. She is my mini me. Her mother passed away several months ago, but she came to work several days after. Her dedication is astounding. Other dispatchers have thought she was mean and hateful due to other dispatchers talking and trying to make drama up. When the dispatchers work with her, they realize how great and understanding she really is. She is extremely smart and knows her job more than me at times. Unfortunately, she will be retiring from our agency in less than two years. She has been an asset to me and our agency. I honestly don’t know if I will be able to find another sidekick like her. She’s been there for me over the years and I, her. In closing, I do believe she would be a great candidate for this award.
Enclosed is a picture of Michelle, as we call her, and myself. Michelle is wearing the polo that says Dispatcher on it.