My Rockstar Partner

Tiffany, Lil or Auntie Lil Tiff, we call her, has been with us since Sept 2017. In that time she has grown as a person, a dispatcher and most importantly, a best friend. She is the first, or close to it, to pick up sick coverage and overtime shifts so people have their vacations covered, even if that means working 7 nights in a row. She takes graveyard shift more often than not which is a huge help to those that don’t like graves, don’t sleep well, or have a hard time with family or childcare. She comes in with a great attitude, even when times are tough, having that smile and upbeat personality not only helps her stay afloat in this career, it rubs off on her partners. She shows up early for her shifts and always offers to let her partner leave before her.
She gets her monthly mandated trainings done as soon as the month starts and then moves on to all other free trainings she can get her hands on to better herself in all different aspects of this job. She gets all of her NCIC work done without prompting and almost always grabs more than her fair share. She has excellent room awareness and is calling a tow or the jail, almost before it’s even aired. She is a compassionate call taker and is able to fluidly jump radio channels when her partner is busy or needs assistance. She stays calm under pressure and during chaotic/high stress incidents. She humbly accepts constructive criticism and actively uses that to better herself in her position here. All this while dealing with a blended family at home, young kids and teenagers, while dating someone that also battles shift work.
She has a huge heart and is always making things for people, doing fundraisers to help with medical costs and doing games within the center to boost morale, that she then makes prizes for. She has great ideas and is very creative. She loves and takes care of my (our) 911 pup like her own and he loves his Auntie Lil to death. She is also an excellent cook and is always bringing (her non cooking partner – me) delicious meals. Tiff also focuses on self care which is so important in this job, she tans, gets her nails done and takes time to do things with her family and travel. Tiffany is a huge asset to our center and I hope she stays here for years to come, I don’t know what I would do without my right hand lady, she makes every shift a pleasure to come in to, which is most times shocking, and she is so easy to supervise. She listens well and provides level headed feedback. I would vote Lil for this superhero side kick over and over!