Mooresville Police Department Dispatch

May 4th, 2019, our department lost an officer in the line of duty. For many of us, this was our first experience with such a tragic and horrific loss. Like so often occurs in such chaotic situations, our spirits and souls were greatly tested. We were blessed to have the support and love of surrounding agencies (via offers to come in and staff the Comm Center) to showings of love and support from across the country (via cards, backets, gifts, etc.). For a week it seemed like we just ambled around in a daze. Just as we thought we might be getting our feet back under us, the hits kept coming from other arenas that kept us in the spotlight. Yet we kept coming in. We had a responsibility to our citizens whose lives didn’t stop because of our tragedy. The emotional and mental toll has been more than some could take, and pushed some to near breaking. We’re still not healed, but we’re trying. This nightmare showed us how huge the Thin Gold Line family really is, and we couldn’t express deeply enough how much we needed and appreciated the love and support shown during our difficult time. Thin Gold Line Forever!