Lord and Savior Chief Joshua Peterson

Since starting with the department there has been many turnovers and so many changes. While most have been for the better there has been some that have been harder on everyone. The open and honesty of our Chief makes this one of the best departments to work with. We may not have the best funding or the best training at times, but we have the most amazing leadership. He has never given up on any of us and reminds us often that we are the glue of this department. When the moral was down, he is always quick to make the best he can of the situation. He is always quick to tell us the amazing things we have done how far we have come and how strong we will end up. We tease him and call him our Lord and Savior as he and most of us do believe in God. The way God is always there for us so is the wonderful support system that is honestly the backbone of this department.