Jan King

Our Jan King, she has been at our 911 center at Worth County E-911 for 14 years and is the Shift Leader over her shift, our Primary TAC, and 2020 Dispatcher of the year. Her world changed A LOT this year when she found out she has a very aggressive breast cancer and will have to have surgery. On March 1st she had surgery to remove her right breast and also to check some lymph nodes to see if the cancer spread anywhere else. Out of 4 there was one that had cancer so then they told her she would have to go through chemo. On April 6th she started her chemo. All through her doctor appointments and surgery she has continued to show up to work as much as she can each and every day. She is not just my HERO she is the WHOLE centers HERO and everyone that has the pleasure of meeting her. She has to also change the way she eats, dresses, and normal activities just aren’t the same. She loves her family but she will tell you she loves her extended family, HER WORK FAMILY!!! She is known as MAMA JAN!! “To be her is to know her” she will go that extra mile as long as she has everyone there with her. She isn’t one that wants recognition but it is so well DESERVED!!