Holbrook Regional Emergency Communications Center

Our team is comprised of a top notch group of selfless and knowledgeable individuals who continuously go above and beyond each and every day. Our Regional Emergency Communications Center presently dispatches for 6 towns (8 agencies), is the County Fire District Control Point as well as the HAZMAT Control Point for the eastern side of the state. We are in the process of designing a new Regional Emergency Communications Center and are slated to break ground this summer. The team has been very patient and understanding throughout this process and they are presently housed in a center that was originally designed to dispatch one Police Department and one Fire Department which they outgrew long ago. This team truly deserves the world and if I could give it to them myself, I would.
Please consider voting for the one of a kind crew at the Holbrook Regional Emergency Communications Center!! Thank you and Happy National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week to all the amazing teams out there!