Our dispatchers do an exceptional job at HISD Police Department. Houston Independent School District (HISD) is the largest in the State of Texas. We have 3 full shifts that stay busy with everyday operations.

Last year, Tuesday, September 17, 2019, around 9 a.m. the City of Houston was hit with Tropical Storm Imelda with 43 inches of water. Our dispatchers did a phenomenal job directing officers to high ground, open roads and finding alternative higher ground to move school buses. Our dispatchers provided safety not only within the school district, but working with Houston Emergency Management to secure our students and get them home safely. Long hours and high call volumes – our dispatchers went above and beyond the call of duty. We value them so much and appreciate their hard work and commitment to our police department and students we serve. Unfortunately, due to calls of service, it’s hard to capture a group photo. Pictured are Senior, Dispatch Supervisor, Ms. Borita Williams and ERT Sergeant K. Brown.