Gwinnett County 911

Gwinnett County 911 Dispatchers are a team as a whole. Although we work four separate rotations we still continue to assist each other across the board. In our Center we don’t celebrate each other just during National Telecommunications Week or during the holidays but year round. It is rare that someone isn’t celebrated on D rotation; whether we hear an awesome call and fill out a Kudo’s sheet and plaster it on our Shift Supervisor window to her office, purchasing a cake each month to celebrate birthdays, buy cups and harass the one’s who own Cricut machines to create different sayings for the side of someone’s cup or simply harmonize “Staying Alive” as someone takes a CPR call so that their count isn’t off (very softly I must add) , nor can I count how many times I have heard “I was out today and saw this and it made me think about you so I bought it for you,” Or purchasing Girl Scout Cookies and handing out boxes to your shift just to see them smile. This job isn’t by any means easy, it is stressful, the hours sometimes aren’t the best, and there are times you look at the clock and it says 0300 and one second later it rolls back to 0200 and you want to cry that one night of year that you have to work those 13 hours. But the things above is what makes it all worth it. There is not another job like it, and I am lucky that I was chosen through that long drawn out process to work with my family here at Gwinnett County 911.
Happy Telecommunicators Week to all the awesome dispatchers out there you deserve more but Kudos to you!!