Franklin County, VA Communications Center

Franklin County, also known as the “Land between the Lakes and The Blue Ridge Mountains,” is a beautiful county that populates approximately 56 thousand citizens. Out of the 56 thousand citizens, there are 15 full-time and 7 part-time, exceptional, dedicated and hard working professionals that are spending their time making a difference for the citizens of Franklin County. They take pride in their job even if they are never seen and seldom know the outcome of a 911 call.
If a caller starts their worst day with a 9-1-1 call, the caller may hear a dispatcher’s calm voice reassuring that help is on the way and that the caller is not alone. The Office of The Sheriff, Communications Center for Franklin County does not have just one memorial story about a particular call because each call that comes in is handled with care because they know that every call is someone’s mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, sibling or child that deserves the best service.
Our dispatchers are the FIRST first responders and guardians to some of the BEST Franklin County first responders. Those first responders include but may not be limited to; Office of The Sheriff, Rocky Mount PD, Public Safety with 12 EMS stations that consist of career and volunteers, 14 Fire stations that are strictly volunteer base, Animal Control, Special Operations Team, Ferrum College PD, Boones Mill PD and Virginia State Police. They never cease to amaze me every day, and I’m proud to work with, and alongside some of Franklin County’s finest … dispatchers. Although “Thank You” means a lot and they are so appreciative to everyone that extends it, they deserve so much more. Franklin County citizens are blessed to have heroes, like our Dispatchers, that work day and night tirelessly to help protect them while they work, play and sleep.