Denver 911

It might be safe to say that if you are reading this, you are or know someone who works as a telecommunicator, call taker, or dispatcher. Here at Denver 911 we answer calls (over 1.1 million in 2018) and dispatch the same crashes, domestics and noise complaints – just like you. You get it – we all do the same job, work the odd hours, and attempt to balance a family and social life.
Throughout the past year, Denver 911 faced extraordinary challenges and circumstances with compassion, kindness and grace. The employees went above and beyond to take care of their community inside and outside of the center. With heavy hearts we stood by and came together, bringing the Denver public safety community together during several months of injury, illness and loss. We made time in our schedules and stepped up, providing meals and assistance for those in need.
We reached out to the community through public outreach programs to teach them about 911. We opened our doors to the community for summer cookouts and invited trick-or-treaters on Halloween. During the Christmas holiday, our center collected toys and gave them to local children as well.
And one of our off-duty police dispatchers was at the right place at the right time as she came across an active scene involving an injured officer. She remained calm, kept the officer safe, and used his radio to provide an exact location for responders.
These are just a few of the many examples of simple, caring acts done; performed with no strings attached. Denver 911 is more than deserving of a free lunch but knows everyone in this profession deserves a free lunch too. I’m proud to work at Denver 911, and would like to recognize my coworkers for all the good deeds and kind acts done with and without the headset.