City of Burlington Proclamation April 10 – 16 as PST Week

Fire Public Safety Telecommunications staff were invited to the April 11th City of Burlington Council Meeting where the Mayor read a proclamation to Council and attendees (also webcast) proclaiming Apr. 10 – 16 as Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in the City of Burlington.
The Mayor’s Proclamation read as follows:
The Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO) endorses and recognizes the second full week in April each year as Public Safety Telecommunicators’ Week.
Public Safety Telecommunicators’ provide the first critical contact for those in need of emergency services; they are the first of the first responders, and must ascertain the location, nature and extent of the emergency. In the midst of a persons crises and under high-pressure, Public Safety Telecommunicators’ exhibit compassion, empathy and understanding while maintaining a high degree of professionalism.
The Burlington Fire Department (ON, Canada) proudly recognizes the dedication and service provided by these men and women.