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Tips and Ideas

Harford County Department of Emergency Services

On August 18, 2017, Harford County, Md. was being inundated with severe lightning storms. One of our evening shift calltakers was taking a 911 call when they felt a shock through their headset, causing her …

Showering Them With Gifts

This year both myself and my Director are new to our positions and have come from the Dispatch floor. We decided to celebrate our Dispatchers and have been planning for National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week …

Game Ideas for NPSTW

In the past we had played a few fun games that everyone seemed to enjoy. We have had a jar of different kind of M&M’s with money hidden in a Ziploc bag inside. Whomever came …

A Week of Events

We host a week of events. Mon-Fri we do “spirit week” and I pick a different theme for each day. We obtain lots of donations and we always host a food competition on Wednesday. This …

NPSTW Cook-off Competition

Our center is looking at doing a friendly cook-off competition with other local center.  We do not have a commercial kitchen and are forced to cook creatively with crock pots, microwaves and nuwave cooktops.  So …

Have Some Fun With Theme Days

Many agencies choose to celebrate NPSTW with dress themes for different days during the week. Here are some of their ideas from previous years: