Aurora911 Management Team
This group of people are my real life sidekicks!! I get the pleasure of working with them day in and day out! No matter what is going on everyone has each other’s backs. Each member …
This group of people are my real life sidekicks!! I get the pleasure of working with them day in and day out! No matter what is going on everyone has each other’s backs. Each member …
When I started my career as a campus dispatcher 8 years ago this year, we had a staff of 7. Now we are down to 6 dispatchers with no part time positions. There are usually …
Let me tell you about my right hand (Wo)man. My partner in crime, fighting. My loyal, like minded (usually) work sister, Sabrina. Sabrina started a few years after me. Our first shift together I said …
TEAM A has been through many high priority situations this past year and each time they have worked flawlessly together! Chandra, Heather & Matt T : I enjoy working with my supervisors because they trust …
Working with my team buddy, Sarah Latzke, does not seem like work at all. She has helped me to further my career and growth and I could not have asked for any better friend to …
Our center in Oswego County, New York is made up of 4 dedicated teams of public service telecommunicators and dispatchers. They serve a community of nearly 117,500 people and cover 1,312 square miles. We have …
No one ever said this job would be easy, no one ever said this job would always be fun and rewarding, but this I do know when you have a great team it absolutely can …
We are the 3 stoonchies! Our officers call us petty employees and get a kick out of our entertaining personalities. We work in unison and as a well oiled machine. We do have indifferences of …
I would like to nominate my 911 staff as a Super Team! These individuals have consistently demonstrated a level of dedication and teamwork that is truly remarkable. Their tireless efforts have made a profound impact …
Charlotte came to our center 2 years ago and I knew right away we would mesh. She has always been a great listener, encourages me to do better, to not quit moving forward and has …
We are a small group of 10! We usually run 2 to a shift but could definitely use 4 on days and 3 on nights but with budgets and hiring issues we do with what …
His name is Victor and he is the sidekick of our Dispatch Team. Victor is our dispatch dog and he lives 24/7 in our communications center. Our Dispatch Center has experienced numerous disasters, traumatic calls …