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Buy You Lunch, Page 2

Kentucky State Police Post 5 Campbellsburg

People don’t call us to tell us about their wonderful day. They don’t call us to tell us that they love the police. We don’t hear about someone’s great day. We hear their worst.

Birmingham City 911

Every dispatcher I have worked around handles every call as if it was someone dear to them, motivated to assist any situation that is on the other end of the phone.

Bonner County Sheriff Dispatch

We’re a small center in North Idaho and have a great little dedicated group of dispatchers that have been through some really horrible incidents, as do most in this field.

Gwinnett County 911

Gwinnett County 911 Dispatchers are a team as a whole. Although we work four separate rotations we still continue to assist each other across the board.

KSP Post 1

I work with an awesome group of telecommunicators! We have been through tornados, floods, blizzards, an active shooter situation and two LOD deaths together. 

San Bruno Police Department

On April 3, 2018, at approximately 12:45 p.m., an active shooter incident took place at the YouTube campus located in San Bruno.

Medical Transportation Coordination Centre

The fast paced, life and death nature of emergency medical dispatch requires competence, professionalism, accuracy, speed AND compassion…all of which are improved by eating a good lunch!

Floyd County 911

Floyd 911 is a group of 31 individuals that come together as a family to serve their community as if they were helping one of their own.

Plymouth County Control

We are very busy 24/7 as most centers are however we are a unique control center for the county.

League City Police Dept

“Woof” everyone! I think that means hello in the human world. My name is TC, that’s short for Telecommunicator.

Laurens County E-911

We have not only improved the safety and response capabilities of our public safety personnel, but also the safety and well-being of our community.

Milwaukee Police TCD

I only have 3 years on so I get to work the late shift … What I love especially about our shift is that we all work together, we don’t let others fail.

Grande Prairie 911

Our geographic call answer area is 133,318 sq km or 82,840 sq miles and we provide fire dispatch services through the entire region.   

City of Arlington Dispatch Services

Often, we are called silent heroes that sometimes are forgotten. We strive to be heard and brag about not only how hard we work, but also about being human.


Our center has dealt with tragedies such as the  911 terrorist attacks to Super Storm Sandy and beyond.

St. Joseph County 911

Our comm center has been through the struggle for the past four years as we consolidated down into one center.

Lewiston Auburn 911

APCO should buy my team at Lewiston Auburn 911 lunch because they are one of the busiest PSAP’s in the State of Maine and they are Rock Stars!

Fort Collins 911

While we know that all dispatch centers are great, we think our team is amazing and they demonstrate professionalism, dedication, and compassion every day.

Sheridan County 911

While I could bore everyone with the stats on my center and all the work we do, it’s really preaching to the choir.

Calhoun County 9-1-1

Just like every other agency out there…we all work long, hard hours. We miss holidays and special events with our families.