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2023, Page 4

Lake County’s Finest Super Heros!

I would like to nominate my 911 staff as a Super Team! These individuals have consistently demonstrated a level of dedication and teamwork that is truly remarkable. Their tireless efforts have made a profound impact …

Java Queen

Charlotte came to our center 2 years ago and I knew right away we would mesh.  She has always been a great listener, encourages me to do better, to not quit moving forward and has …

Small but Mighty

We are a small group of 10! We usually run 2 to a shift but could definitely use 4 on days and 3 on nights but with budgets and hiring issues we do with what …

Victor – The Amazing Sidekick

His name is Victor and he is the sidekick of our Dispatch Team. Victor is our dispatch dog and he lives 24/7 in our communications center. Our Dispatch Center has experienced numerous disasters, traumatic calls …

Puddles and Sissy

The side kick(s) that always has my back no matter what even when I am having a bad day or just need to get away would have to be my twin Chihuahuas. I have been …

Super Adaptable Super Star

Cody has been thru four coordinators in the short year and a half.  I am his fourth coordinator and want to commend Cody for his adaptability and positivity.  Cody is helpful, always has a positive …

A sigh of relief

When I think of a sidekick, I think to myself that is someone who is there for you through thick and thin. The person I am nominating is someone I can go to with a …

Superheroes in Fargo? You betcha!

There is a team of superheroes in Fargo.   You will not see them as they do their work out of the spotlight, saving lives and protecting our community.    As their director, I am proud to …

Lord and Savior Chief Joshua Peterson

Since starting with the department there has been many turnovers and so many changes. While most have been for the better there has been some that have been harder on everyone. The open and honesty …

My Wonder Woman…She Makes Me WONDER!!!!

To all the amazing dispatchers out there, you are all superheroes!! I know some of you will say that you have the best sidekick, the best wing man, the best thing 1 to your thing …

Always There to help Tyneeka Freeman

Tyneeka Freeman is one of many who is always there to lend a helping hand. From making notifications during the most chaotic scenes to jumping in and assisting with dispatching. Her kind and helpful spirit …

RSO CTO Crew – Courageous Thinkers Optimists

I have been the training coordinator for our communications center for about 1 1/2 years. During this time, I have learned about the courageous, outside-the-box thinkers and optimists we are lucky to have as part …