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2023, Page 3

Granny 911

We’ve heard it all before–screaming, cursing, background noises, and sometimes deafening silence–but one of our callers inadvertently gave a nickname that we cannot forget. Carol Easley began as a trainee in 2014. She took the …

Go US Coast Guard!!

As a component of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as well as a member of the US Armed Forces, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) carries out a myriad of statutory missions. The …

Otero County SO Dispatch Originals

Happy Telecommunicators Week to an amazing group and to all Telecommunicators! Otero County Sheriff’s Office Telecommunications First Responder team of 13 serve their community  in Alamogordo, New Mexico (In the middle of the desert in …

Aurora911 Management Team

This group of people are my real life sidekicks!! I get the pleasure of working with them day in and day out! No matter what is going on everyone has each other’s backs. Each member …

My partner in solving crime

Let me tell you about my right hand (Wo)man. My partner in crime, fighting. My loyal, like minded (usually) work sister, Sabrina. Sabrina started a few years after me. Our first shift together I said …


TEAM A  has been through many high priority situations this past year and each time they have worked flawlessly together!  Chandra, Heather & Matt T : I enjoy working with my supervisors because they trust …

Two of a Kind

Working with my team buddy, Sarah Latzke, does not seem like work at all. She has helped me to further my career and growth and I could not have asked for any better friend to …

Lots of Food

We will celebrate by providing breakfast or lunch each day of the week!

Port City Protectors- Oswego County 911

Our center in Oswego County, New York is made up of 4 dedicated teams of public service telecommunicators and dispatchers. They serve a community of nearly 117,500 people and cover 1,312 square miles. We have …

Petty Employees Gone Rogue

We are the 3 stoonchies! Our officers call us petty employees and get a kick out of our entertaining personalities.  We work in unison and as a well oiled machine.  We do have indifferences of …