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2022, Page 4

The Power of Incantation

Ten of my 25 years in the field of 9-1-1 have been in senior management which means I spent 15 years as a frontline hero behind the headset. Make no mistake, I AM still a …

Psychic Abilities

We at WestCOMM believe that our dispatchers are psychic. Dispatchers often have the ability to predict future events as we constantly need to be thinking multiple steps ahead. We predict influxes of wire and tree …

Dispatchers Unite !!!!

     I think anyone who has ever dispatched would agree that having crazy super powers like being able to see the future, mind reading or even being able to be in two places at …

Dispatcher : The unseen Artist

Here in the dispatch center, countless days and hours are spent asking questions. Some would argue that it is our most frequent task. WHO,WHAT,WHERE,WHEN,WHY? Question after question… It’s a never ending stream of new and …

Fearless Warriors

I have the pleasure of working with some awesome and fearless dispathers. My job is to make sure that they are paid accurately and correctly. My superpower would be able to pay them the millions …

A Message from APCO’s President

You are a hero behind the headset. Regardless of your tenure in this industry, you’ve made a difference in someone’s life. Every time you look in the mirror, please reflect and remember that. Annually, during …