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2022, Page 12

Power of Intangibility

Intangible is defined as “unable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence”. A dispatcher is an agency’s most intangible asset as we are never seen nor physically present but we are always there …

The Power of of Thesaurus Brain

We have the ability to take words we would like to say and quickly change them into words that should be said instead 😉

Telepathic powers

Having the ability to have telepathic mind powers would allow a dispatcher to know exactly what is going on the person calling.  They would be able to get the entire story instead of the parts …

Hidden Ninja

Melbourne Police and Fire Dispatchers appear to be like any other citizen of Brevard County…. parent, sibling, dog owner and cat lover…  but once we step through the portals at 701 S Babcock, our Ninja …