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2021, Page 9

Unseen Heroes of Seattle

Seattle 9-1-1 employees came to work daily, never knowing what they were walking into. Daily and nightly protests prevented safe access to the comm center, located at a downtown police station.

The Putnam County Team

Through this loss, the dispatchers continued to be there to answer the calls for help; even though they were suffering on the inside, the callers couldn’t tell.

Julie “Tiger” Kelly

The thing that makes her stick out is that she has empathy for us dispatchers. She can tell when we need a little boost or encouragement; she can sense if something is going on in our lives.

Rob Satterfield

On April 1, 2021, Southeastern Arizona Communications (SEACOM) Dispatcher Rob Satterfield celebrated 30 years as a volunteer and part-time dispatcher.

Mamma Lori Styx

Lori retired from the road as a VCEMS EMT with over 20 years of service. She took her experience, care, and compassion to the Volusia County phone lines.