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2020, Page 3

NPSTW 2020: City of Roswell (GA) 911

We are celebrating!! We are trying to continue on, business as usual to remain positive and strong in the midst of this storm. We have activities scheduled, prizes, social media posts planned, gifts, etc. COVID …

NPSTW 2020: Shelby County TN 9-1-1 District

It will be postponed to a later date. After conferring with all the PSAP Managers in the County it was decided to postpone due to how busy they are and the working conditions due to …

NPSTW 2020: Fremont Police Department, CA

My comm center is still celebrating NPSTW this year. We have a ‘Dispatch Morale Committee’ within our center who’s in charge of scheduling our events and/or gifts. Since the week begins on Easter, we are …

NPSTW 2020 Contest Paused;
Support & Recognition Continue

In light of the gravity of the COVID-19 virus situation and the additional work and stress that will fall on our members and others in the public safety community, we are pausing our NPSTW contest. When we re-open it in the future, all stories already posted in the 2020 contest, as well as their “likes” will be maintained.