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2019, Page 8

Panama City Beach Police Department

Hurricane Michael came ashore a few miles from our city. It took me three days to return to work after the storm. I arrived to find them working on backup radios. No CAD and no A/C and little sleep.

Winston/Louisville Police Dept

The average person will not be able to handle this job – it takes a strong-minded dedicated and heartfelt person to do this job.

Hawaii Fire Department

We live and work in paradise, and with that comes its own challenges in the form of brush fires, land and sea rescues and a variety of rural and unique situations that we respond to

Kentucky State Police Post 10

Together, we have handled winter storms that have caused state of emergencies, tornado, delivered babies, and numerous officer involved shootings. 

Southeast Emergency Communications

From staffing changes, to consolidation, to technology enhancements (radio system, CAD and soon phones), they buckle down and get the job done.