Call Me by Blondie

Parsons Police Department Communications Center

Blondie’s iconic hit “Call Me” perfectly captures the essence of the Parsons Police Department’s Communication Center and our dedicated 911 dispatchers. Just as the song emphasizes the importance of reaching out when needed, our dispatchers stand ready 24/7 to answer when you call.

Our communications team serves as the vital first point of contact during emergencies, providing the critical link between distressed citizens and the emergency services they require. When you need help the most and you “call us,” Director Marti Shields and our trained professionals respond with urgency, compassion, and expertise.

The song’s themes of reliability, availability, and immediate response mirror our commitment to being there whenever our community needs us. Our dispatchers are the calm voice in crisis, the unseen heroes coordinating emergency responses, and the lifeline connecting you to help when every second counts.

At the Parsons Police Department Communication Center, we proudly say that when you call, we answer anytime, day or night.