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9-1-1 Rockstars

In 2022 our center dropped down to only having 12 Full-Time, 2 part-timers and 4 Suprvisors.  Our manger was out for the majority of the year and left towards the end of 2022.  Our staff …

Team Franklin County

Franklin County Emergency Services is a PSAP in Northern NY that borders Canada.  We have an amazing super-hero team, like many of the other PSAPS across the globe. What makes ours special, is that all …

The Spark Plugs!

Hello from Oklahoma! My name is Kayla and pictured beside me  with her big ol grin is my sidekick Deb! We are as goofy as they come but take our job very seriously , we …

Partner in Crime…

Recently, I had the pleasure of going on the trip of a lifetime. I met a man on my trip who told me that when he was planning his trip, he had approached his wife …

My Rockstar Partner

Tiffany, Lil or Auntie Lil Tiff, we call her, has been with us since Sept 2017. In that time she has grown as a person, a dispatcher and most importantly, a best friend. She is …

Montana Dream Team

Sitting in severe NE Montana, our PSAP is small. Think TINY. We have 1 director, 4 full time and 1 intermittent ECOs- and we serve a remote county the size of CT that has a …

Someone To Look Up To!

Sydney is someone who strives to make an impact no matter how big or small the call is, she is not only a strong dispatcher but also a strong trainer for new dispatch trainees to …

Head on a Swivel

Hello to all of our fellow warriors out there!! We are coming at you from Auburn Alabama. In honor of National Telecommunicator’s Week, I am showing off my dispatch team 😊 My team consist of …