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TEAM A  has been through many high priority situations this past year and each time they have worked flawlessly together!  Chandra, Heather & Matt T : I enjoy working with my supervisors because they trust …

Two of a Kind

Working with my team buddy, Sarah Latzke, does not seem like work at all. She has helped me to further my career and growth and I could not have asked for any better friend to …

Lots of Food

We will celebrate by providing breakfast or lunch each day of the week!

Port City Protectors- Oswego County 911

Our center in Oswego County, New York is made up of 4 dedicated teams of public service telecommunicators and dispatchers. They serve a community of nearly 117,500 people and cover 1,312 square miles. We have …

Petty Employees Gone Rogue

We are the 3 stoonchies! Our officers call us petty employees and get a kick out of our entertaining personalities.  We work in unison and as a well oiled machine.  We do have indifferences of …

Lake County’s Finest Super Heros!

I would like to nominate my 911 staff as a Super Team! These individuals have consistently demonstrated a level of dedication and teamwork that is truly remarkable. Their tireless efforts have made a profound impact …

Java Queen

Charlotte came to our center 2 years ago and I knew right away we would mesh.  She has always been a great listener, encourages me to do better, to not quit moving forward and has …

Small but Mighty

We are a small group of 10! We usually run 2 to a shift but could definitely use 4 on days and 3 on nights but with budgets and hiring issues we do with what …

Victor – The Amazing Sidekick

His name is Victor and he is the sidekick of our Dispatch Team. Victor is our dispatch dog and he lives 24/7 in our communications center. Our Dispatch Center has experienced numerous disasters, traumatic calls …

Puddles and Sissy

The side kick(s) that always has my back no matter what even when I am having a bad day or just need to get away would have to be my twin Chihuahuas. I have been …

Super Adaptable Super Star

Cody has been thru four coordinators in the short year and a half.  I am his fourth coordinator and want to commend Cody for his adaptability and positivity.  Cody is helpful, always has a positive …