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apcointl, Page 2

The Silence of the 911 Open Line

A dispatcher just out of training at Grand Forks PSAP must receive the help of an incarcerated 9-1-1 abandoner to uncover the mystery of the serial 9-1-1 open liner, a madman who has been calling …

How We Celebrate NPSTW

We are celebrating NPSTW with a theme of “Harry Potter World” and are hosting the ROMO House Cup. We have a photo booth, ‘pin the face on the HP character’ game, Trivia, photo scavenger hunt …

Aladdin: The Genies of ROMO

Our dispatch center is like the cartoon Aladdin. Nothing is as it seems and we are all diamonds in the rough. Like Aladdin, our center isn’t much- but we have a great view! We also …

911, What Is Your Emergency The Musical

Join the Greene County crew as they stumble their way through their shift song. Begin the day with the hit single “Why does this always happen at shift change” round out the morning with “No …

Ace Ventura: Dispatcher

Ace Ventura is a Dispatcher for Kosciusko County 911 Communications.  One late Friday night he was working the console answer the calls of his community.  What started out as a routine shift, turned into quite …

How We Celebrate

We usually have a week of themed potlucks; small gifts & mementos given to each dispatcher to support and encourage the communication center in all the long hours being called in to cover overtime and …