A Week of Appreciation and Food

Generally it is a week of appreciation and FOOD! Our Fire and EMS agencies along with our administrative staff provide a lunch or dinner for each shift every day of the week. Command Staff from all of the departments we work with either stop by or send messages expressing their appreciation of the work the center’s personnel do. The E9-1-1 Coordinator and Communications Command provided a gift for each Communications Operator, this year it was a Thin Gold Line Thermos. We also hold our awards ceremony during the week.
Pictured left to right: LT. Casey Allo; Communications, Capt Rob Sewell; Communications, Lt. Joeleen Jefferys; Communications, CO-II Nancy Pouge, Best EMD, EFD Scores (separate awards), Director Public Safety Rob Farmer, CO-II Viki Nisbet, Runner Up best EFD Scores, Chief Tina Taviano, Communications, Michael Grimmett, Dispatcher of the Year. (missing Lt. Hollis Jordan, Impact Award)