A Message From APCO’s President

Each year the second week in April is known as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week and a chance for the over 100,000 public safety telecommunicators working in emergency communications centers (ECCs) across the globe to be recognized for the lifesaving work they provide to more than 240 million callers every year.
ECCs across the nation plan different events throughout the week to show their appreciation and recognize staff for the amazing and remarkable tasks they perform daily. Some celebrations are elaborate and include elected officials, some include only in-house personnel, some may include decorating office doors and include prize giveaways, some hand out goodie bags or allow out-of-uniform days. Unfortunately, there are those telecommunicators who may not be appreciated or honored at all during NPSTW, and that week is just another week. I challenge each of you to reach out to your neighboring agencies, check on them, and make sure they are recognized in some small way. It costs nothing to send a card, make a phone call, or send a message on social media. It will make a world of difference!
I want to encourage each of you to celebrate the work you do! Believe in the work you do! Recognize each other in the space where you work, even if others don’t. Because it matters. The work you do matters. The lives you save matter. And YOU matter.
On behalf of APCO’s Executive Committee, we want to thank you for impacting the lives of so many people and truly being the first, first responder with a heart of gold. You are all heroes to us, and we appreciate your professionalism, respect, integrity, dedication and excellent service you provide not only the second week in April every year but every single day with every call you take.