April 19 |
First Contact: Thankful for emergency telecommunicators
NewsandSentinel.com |
Nat’l Public Safety Telecommunicators Week honors team behind the scene
The Dawson Springs Progress |
UTA Police dispatchers: The link for cpus safety
The Shorthorn
April 18 |
Emergency 911 system upgrades approved
WTOK.com |
City celebrates Public Safety Telecommunications Week
South Platte Sentinel |
Port Houston Honors Dispatchers During National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Port of Houston Authority |
Dispatchers Share Stories of Triumph, Frustration
Government Technology |
Proclamations recognize public safety telecommunicators, Arbor Day
The Independent Register |
HCSO celebrates dispatchers
ChipleyPaper.com |
Cal Fire Recognizes Public Safety Telecommunicators
The Riverbank News |
April 17 |
Dispatchers: First to arrive on the scene
Bellefontaine Examiner |
Sparta Recognizes April as 9-1-1 Month
TAPinto.net |
Lifeline 911: Carson City dispatchers are the public’s first, first responders
Carson Now
April 16 |
Childbirth call offers police dispatcher challenge, but rewarding experience
The Paducah Sun |
Emergency dispatchers have heard it all
NewsTimes.com (AP) |
The first, first responders: Local dispatchers honored with national awareness week
FOX 17 |
The unseen heroes of public safety
Springfield News-Leader |
April 15 |
Telecommunicators Week: Honoring the voices that help in times of crisis
Junior College |
911 Dispatchers Recognized For Their Service
The Greeneville Sun
Blount County dispatchers celebrate national telecommunicators week
The Daily Times (AP) |
Dispatcher Recalls Childbirth Phone Call from 2016
West Kentucky Star |
KSP Post 1 & 2 telecommunicators honored
The Times Leader |
Local dispatchers honored for service to community
The Times Leader |
911 operators honored for their unseen service
CacheValleyDaily.com |
Round of Applause
The Valdosta Daily Times |
Ocean County 911: Text your emergency
The Asbury Park Press (AP) |
How do Phoenix emergency dispatchers do their job?
True Viral News |
April 14 |
PEMA Provides Tips for Calling 9-1-1, Recognizes 9-1-1 Telecommunicators
WPMT Fox 43 |
Call center workers recognized
NewsandSentinel.com |
Crucial link
Journalpatriot |
Public officials honor local dispatchers
The Times Bulletin |
How do Phoenix emergency dispatchers do their job?
The Arizona Republic |
9-1-1 operators honored over Telecommunications Week
St. Joseph Post |
Commissioners Hear Citizens Issues during Public Forum
Fannin County Leader |
She’s Born To Do The Job
DNRonline (AP) |
Letters to the editor — April 15
Lake County Record-Bee (AP) |
What’s your emergency?: A peek inside the Central Lane Communications Center
The Register-Guard |
Local police salute dispatchers
Morehead News |
The unsung heroes of Grayson County Dispatch
KXII News 12
A Suicide By Gunshot Jolts 911 Call as Sheriff Observes Flagler’s Dispatch Center in Action
Flagler Live |
Douglas County dispatcher earns state award
Superior Telegram |
Vail Daily letter: Thanks to those in the 911 center
Vail Daily |
Norfolk Dispatcher Assists in Birth
HamletHub Local News |
Huron County recognizes National Public Safety Telecommunicators week
Huron Daily Tribune (AP) |
PS COLUMN: Dispatchers honored
PostStar.com |
911 for Kids Program comes to Cook County Schools
Cook County News Herald |
Dispatchers in Mitchell, nation recognized for service
The Daily Republic |
When emergencies arise, they’re always there
Chronicle-Tribune (AP) |
Thank you telecommunicators, call takers and technicians!
KHQA 7 Online
911 Dispatchers: The Heroes Behind the Scenes
WFMY News 2 |
April 9 – 15 Proclaimed ‘Telecommunications Week’ in Calvert
Calvert Beacon |
Celebrating National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
BCRNews.com |
National Public Safety Telecommunications Week is April 9-15, 2017
DeWitt Media Inc. |
TAKING ACTION: Dispatchers say knowing where you are before what’s happening is vital in an emergency
WHNT.com |
Meet Your Local Dispatchers: Tasha Urbatsch
Wyo4News |
Answering the Call: Dispatchers in Saratoga County help save lives
The Saratogian (AP) |
Celebrate the Dallas ISD Police telecommunicators who help keep the district safe!
The Hub |
National Telecommunicators Week observed
The Register-Herald |
Let’s Talk Pella – National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
911 calls range from tragic to comic
Coshocton Tribune |
Isabella names dispatcher of the year
The Morning Sun |
911 operators honored over Telecommunications Week
680 KFEQ |
Celebrating a key link: An underrated component of public safety, local dispatchers honored
Mohave Daily News |
PEMA Provides Tips for Calling 9-1-1, Recognizes Pennsylvania 9-1-1 Telecommunicators | Spoke
Spoke |
EMERGENCY: Police, fire, EMS dispatching is the direct line to our public safety
Columbia City Post and Mail |
April 13 |
Xenia 911 center honoring telecommunicators
Xenia Daily Gazette |
911 center honors its emergency dispatchers
The Daily Reflector |
Counties honor dispatchers April 9-15
Isanti-Chisago County Star
This week marks National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Capital Journal |
The first response
The Kentucky Standard |
On Patrol, 4/13/17 – 911 Dispatcher Appreciation
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week marked in Missoula
KPAX.com |
Emergency responders honored during Public Safety Week
Gulf Breeze News |
Inside the world of the front line of first responders
Valley News Live |
Rutherford County Emergency Telecommunicators Honored Thursday
WGNS Radio |
Dispatcher recalls helping couple deliver baby over phone
Photo: Dispatchers honored by County Legislature
The Batavian |
Dispatchers do more than just talk
Dispatchers can be a steady voice on your worst day
Phoenix thanking dispatchers during Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
KTAR.com |
Abilene dispatchers recognized for being first line of help
KTXS.com |
Answering the call
Putnam Sentinel |
Missoula 911 thanks dispatchers during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
KPAX.com |
Honoring local dispatchers for National Telecommunicators Week
Stephenville Empire-Tribune |
‘Unsung Heroes’: Lowndes County 911 dispatchers recognized
The Valdosta Daily Times |
911 operators celebrate National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Telecommunicators honored for their service
Elkin Tribune |
Say Thanks During National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Dcmilitary.com |
York County dispatcher who died last year recognized by peers
York Dispatch |
OPD applauds area 911 dispatchers
Burnout in the 9-1-1 Hot Seat
LifeZette |
Dispatchers are like the tethers to life
Zanesville Times Recorder |
Sheriff’s office 911 dispatchers honored
The Union-Recorder |
Atlantic City public safety dispatchers recognized during appreciation week
Press of Atlantic City |
Nevada Highway Patrol dispatchers recognized for work
KTNV ABC Channel 13 |
Emergency responders make a difference in Seaside
Daily Astorian |
DuPage County Honors Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
DuPage County |
Meet Your Local Dispatchers: Carrie Williams
Wyo4News |
April 12 |
Newport updates downtown master plan
Citizen Tribune |
4/12 Board approves payment for update at Ravenna Lake::1
Kearney Hub |
Watch: Dispatcher recalls helping couple deliver baby over phone
Blackhills Fox |
The voice behind the headset: Telecommunicators Week
KJCT8.com |
Rochester thanks communications specialists
Fosters.com |
911 dispatchers recognized during Telecommunicators Week
WTOL.com |
County emergency dispatchers honored during national event
Santa Barbara News-Press(AP) |
The work of the Jones Co. dispatchers never ends
Monticello Express |
State police honor local dispatchers this week
Mountain Eagle |
Pocatello police recognize emergency dispatchers
Idaho State Journal |
Public Safety Telecommunicators Week: A Look Inside Central Dispatch
My ND Now |
Those who answer the call
WCSH6.com |
Local emergency dispathcers recognized for National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
KYMA News |
Petersburg dispatchers praised for National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Pulling back the curtain on hidden heroes: Emergency dispatchers
Proclamation celebrates police dispatchers
Carlsbad Current-Argus |
Dispatchers recognized in appreciation week
WDAM – Channel 7 |
Wednesday Briefing: Matanzas Construction Tech Program, Kids’ Town Hall With Provencher, Staly as a 911 Dispatcher
Flagler Live |
Inside the world of the first of the first responders
Newsplex |
Illinois State Police recognize National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
KHQA 7 Online |
Tazewell Dispatchers Honored For National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
WeAreWVProud.com |
Dispatchers honored during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Big Rapids News |
Recent Lake Oahe drowning focuses Pierre leaders on emergency services
Capital Journal |
Rep. Torres Commemorates National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Targeted News Service |
Caldwell County 911 Communications Center Celebrates National Public Safety Telecommunications Week
Caldwell Journal |
EDITORIAL: Honor the dispatchers
New Jersey Hills |
Kingsport police laud cool dispatchers who field emergency calls
Times News |
Harvey County Communications earns award
The Newton Kansas
Increasing number of emergency calls in southern Utah expected to continue
Willcox City Council honors dispatchers and animal control officers this week
Arizona Range News |
Happy Ending: Childbirth call a challenging but rewarding experience for KSP dispatcher
KyForward.com |
Kannapolis celebrating National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
McDowellNews.com |
Screams of terror, then woman’s 911 call goes dead
KTUL.com |
E-911 Dispatchers visit GMK for National Telecommunicators Week
BreezyNews.com |
Accidental 9-1-1 calls put burden on dispatchers
YourCentralValley |
Meet Your Local Dispatchers: Heather Bartlett
Wyo4News |
Commissioners recognize local dispatchers
Wapakoneta Daily News |
April 11 |
Sheriff’s Office Dispatches Gratitute to 9-1-1 Call Takers
Noozhawk.com |
Telecommunicators Week
InkFreeNews.com |
Community honors telecommunicators
Renner MS celebrates Everyone Matters Day with Plano mayor
Star Local Media |
PA Dispatch Center Marks National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Firehouse.com |
On the Other End of the Emergency Response Line
KMIR News |
Honored Dispatchers, unseen heroes, recognized for key role in law enforcement
Thegardenisland.com |
Behind the scenes at Sonoma County emergency dispatch centers
The Press Democrat |
Simi Valley Police Dispatcher of The Year
Citizensjournal.us |
Honoring Those Who Answer Our Calls: National Public Safety Telecommunications Week | WABI TV5
Pocatello police recognizes emergency dispatchers
Idaho State Journal |
Greenville Fire/Rescue celebrates 911 professionals
WNCT.com |
Belmont County celebrates National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Macon-Bibb celebrates Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
41 NBC News |
Dispatchers are calming voice in time of crisis
Orleans Hub |
Live Update of the Prescott City Council: April 11, 2017 Featured font size + –
Prescott eNews |
911 Dispatchers Recognized for Their Work
KSP dispatcher remembers childbirth 911 call
911 operators: We are first responders
GoErie.com |
Let’s Talk Knoxville – National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
National Public Safety Week
Center Broadcasting Live |
This week marks the annual National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
East Texas Press |
This Week Marks Annual National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Shelby County Today |
Meet Your Local Dispatchers: Val Gelinas
Wyo4News |
Saratoga County Sheriff notes National Public Safety Telecommunications Week
Times Union Blogs |
National Public Safety Telecommunications Week – April 9 to 15, 2017
XRB Radio |
Meet Your Local Dispatchers: Val Gelinas
Wyo4News |
Lynchburg Department of Emergency Services taking applications for 911 dispatchers
WSET.com |
Lewis County Commissioners Recognize National Public Safety Telecommunications Week
The Chronicle |
National Public Safety Telecommunications Week is April 9 – 15, 2017
Citizensjournal.us |
Norwalk’s dispatchers honored by mayor
San Antonio Express-News |
911 dispatchers dress for hero day
WTVM.com |
Honored Dispatchers, unseen heroes, recognized for key role in law enforcement
Thegardenisland.com |
National Public Safety Telecommunications Week – help us recognize these important people! | KONK Life
Konk Life |
VIDEO: Maui Dispatchers Honored for Service, Operating at 50% Staffing
Maui Now |
Mount Olive police dispatcher part psychologist and all multi-tasker
New Jersey Hills |
A week to notice those who answer the 911 calls
IronMountainDailyNews.com |
WisDOT: Wisconsin State Patrol to honor its law enforcement dispatchers during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
WisPolitics.com |
Telecommunicators Week
InkFreeNews.com |
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week recognizes dispatchers across country
The News Center
Penn. 9-1-1 Operators are First Responders, Too
EMSWorld.com |
Officials thank dispatchers during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
WSET.com |
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week April 9-15, 2017
Before It’s News |
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
WATCH: KSP dispatcher recalls helping couple deliver baby over phone
Gratitude for 9-1-1 and the dispatchers
Shoreline Area News |
First responders and their ‘lifeline’ are in the spotlight this week
District court security concerns addressed
The Newton Kansas |
April 10 |
Meet the people answering your emergency calls
KRCR News Channel 7 |
ISP Recognizing National Public Safety Telecommunications Week
NewsChannel 20 |
9-1-1 dispatchers recognized during National Public Safety Telecommunications Week
MySSnews.com |
Behind the Phone: A look at the job of a 911 dispatcher
Siouxland News |
Board Honors Public Safety Telecommunicators
Hillsborough County |
Saying ‘thank you’ to our dispatchers
The Sierra Vista Herald |
Thank a 911 dispatcher this week
WRBI Radio.com |
Be Prepared When Calling 9-1-1 During an Emergency
Southern Maryland News Net |
Recognizing dispatchers on National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
East Oregonian |
Public Safety Dispatcher
Edhat Online Magazine |
Knoxville dispatcher wins Telecommunicator of The Year Award
Local 911 dispatchers recognized for National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
The News Center |
Dispatchers star of ‘National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week’
Blackhills Fox
National Telecommunicators Week
Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Advance-Register (AP) |
Washington County 911 kick off National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
WJHL.com |
911 Dispatchers Recognized for Service
Southern Tier – Time Warner Cable News |
Russell Celebrates National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
KRSL Russell Radio |
Ridgefeild Police Thanks Department Dispatchers
HamletHub Local News |
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week Honors Team behind the Scene
SurfKY News |
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week: What Kind of Holiday is This, Anyway?
9-1-1Magazine |
ISP recognizes National Public Safety Telecommunicators week
KFVS 12 |
Meet Your Local Dispatchers: Kimberly Blackwell
Wyo4News |
Illinois State Police recognize National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
RiverBender.com |
Dedicated Public-Safety Dispatchers Rock
Noozhawk.com |
April 9 |
National event recognizes local emergency dispatchers
911 centers honored during Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Mihomepaper The County Press |
The link between life and death
The Watauga Democrat |
April 8 |
911 Center Holds Open House in Luzerne County
Naperville recognizes local ‘Telecommunicator of the Year’
Positively Naperville |
Kristin Root named Yolo County ‘Dispatcher of the Year’
Daily Democrat |
April 7 |
Lake County dispatchers recognized during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
The News-Herald |
Ottawa dispatchers, public works mutual aid network honored for tornado response
MyWebTimes.com |
Young Calgarians honoured for quick thinking at 911 Heroes Awards
Christiannewstoday.com |
Invisible heroes: Dispatchers manage emergencies
Kenosha News
911 dispatchers honored for round-the-clock service to community
The Leaf Chronicle |
Local dispatchers recognized during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
ClarksvilleNow.com |
Thank a dispatcher
The Sierra Vista Herald |
Telecommunicator’s week starts Sunday Week is devoted to the dispatchers, a community’s ‘thin gold line’
The Daily News |
A local lifeline: Owasso dispatchers keep city running safely, successfully
Tulsa World |
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week Is April 9-15
Targeted News Service |
Upshur Commission inks proclamation
TheInterMountain.com |
April 6 |
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Edhat Online Magazine |
Next Week Is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
Wyo4News |
Franklin County Commissioners recognize 911 dispatchers
WRBI Radio.com |
Rowlett City Council recognizes several individuals during meeting
Star Local Media |
April 5 |
Commissioners Praise 911 Dispatchers Who Are “Unseen” During Emergencies
911 is a vital lifeline, until it’s not
Medium |
April 4 |
April is National 9-1-1 Education Month – An Opportunity to Educate Your Audience on Critical 9-1-1 Issues That Affect Us All
Seattlepi.com |
County dispatchers – a voice of calm
Payson Roundup |
April 1 |
Telecommunicators week upcoming in April
Lebanon Democrat |
March |
Emergency Response
Ocala Style |
Officials celebrate 911 Appreciation Day
Jackson Progress-Argus